
We're a church family that longs to see Jesus the most talked about person in Birmingham. Join us. We're not far, we father just over the road from the Guild.
Venue: King Edward VI Girls School, opposite the Guild of Student (B15 2UB).
Time: 10.30am, Sunday mornings. Coffee is served from 10am.
Students have always been a huge part of our family. We want you to be supported, equipped and sent so that you make the most of your years here.
The part you can play:
We encourage students to get stuck in and help make Churchcentral all it can be. Students are on loads of our teams, helping with welcoming, leading worship and our youth, kids and tots work. Come and grow by mucking in.
Stuff for you:
Being part of our Sunday mornings, our Students Life Groups, the Student Weekend Away and our social gathering will help you go deeper as a follower of Jesus.
Stuff for your mates:
We put on specific Sunday mornings called "Big Questions" to make it as easy as possible to invite friends along to experience God.
Church Rep(s):
Jess Brett, Joss Spear
07434562891, 07498748332