Oasis Church

Venue: Oasis Church, South Street, Harborne, Birmingham, B17 0DB
Meeting times: Sundays 10:30am – 12noon and 4:30 pm – 6pm.
Students and 20s: Sundays (once monthly) 6:30pm – 8:00pm
Student workers: Will + Emily Mckemey.
Contact: willmckemey@outlook.com; 07809142556
Website: www.theoasischurch.com
Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/groups/790220014642820/
At Oasis Church we are all about loving God and loving people. Everything we do is driven by that key calling. Last year we relocated to the vibrant area of Harborne, meeting in a grand, old traditional church building. We have rejuvenated this, providing an excellent home to reach out to, get alongside and love the Harborne community. (It is also a short walk from University of Birmingham!)
Sundays: We have two Sunday meetings where we gather together as a church family to worship Jesus, share life, and enjoy discovering more about Him through hearing the Bible preached. We also have a superb Kids work and youth group, which many students love to get involved in.
Students: We love students at Oasis and welcome people from all the local universities and colleges. We’re a group of friends that enjoy God, enjoy life and want as many as possible to get to know Jesus—there’s nothing better than knowing Him! Our desire is to see you grow in confidence in Him and love for Him. And we want to support you in doing that. Our aim is to provide one to one discipleship for every student.
What’s going on:
Thirst (Monthly student focused gatherings)
Student/20 Weekend away (February 2020)
Student/20s Socials
Small Groups (weekly or fortnightly)
Monday Night Football
Impact (regular gigs promoting local bands)
Church Lunches
Come and join us for a Sunday or join our Facebook page to find out more!
Church Rep(s):