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Fundraising Appeal 

We aren't currently fundraising for anything specific, but if you're looking to donate, we always appreciate it! You can contact our treasurer by emailing to find out how you can help!


Alternatively, if you are a UoB Alumni, we are in the process of setting up a charity: the 'Birmingham University Christian Alumni Trust' which will allow you the opportunity to financially support the work of our Christian Union. There are more details on how to give on the BUCAT Website. 

We are incredibly grateful for all your prayers and support!

CU Member?

If you're a student here at Birmingham, the best ways to support the CU is through giving up some of your time to join us in outreach and fellowship, and praying for our activities.


But if you'd like to give financially, feel free to email or talk directly to our current treasurer, Ollie, for more info.

Friend of the CU?

Whether you're a former member of the CU, local church member, or just someone who wants to support us, we'd love to stay in touch with you and let you know what we're up to, and how you might be able to help. We've got a handy WhatsApp group chat just for that!


If you'd like to give to the CU, please email for more info.

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