Bearwood Chapel
Address: 445 Bearwood Road B66 4DH
Bus routes: 11, 48, 120
Contacts: Dave Williams (Pastor) 07791 622122
Hope Hughes (Student link)
We are an evangelical church meeting in Smethwick. Our church family includes about 200 people of all ages and from a variety of backgrounds. Our aim as a church is to see the local communities in Bearwood and beyond transformed by the good news about Jesus’ death and resurrection. This means that we are also committed to planting new congregations at different times and venues within the locality.
We provide various opportunities throughout the week to meet together to worship God, pray together, hear the Bible taught and encourage each other. These include
The 9:30 Service and 11:15 Morning Worship every Sunday morning with worship and Bible Teaching.
Engage our newest congregation is aimed at families and includes cafe style Bible discussion and monthly messy church.
Sunday Night Church (6-8pm) A café style format with food, conversation, prayer and music from 6:00pm and Bible teaching and discussion at 7pm.
Nueva Vida (Saturdays at 5pm). This is our Spanish Language congregation. We also try and provide Spanish translation at 11:15 and Sunday night Church and volunteers who are able to help translate are particularly appreciated.
For Students Bearwood Chapel provides a great opportunity to get involved with a local church committed to proclaiming the Gospel in an ethnically diverse, socially needy area. You will receive a warm welcome and be well looked after –there’s always plenty of food around. But more importantly we want to give you the opportunity to learn more about your own gifts and role in the church. So there will be plenty of opportunities to serve whether that’s joining the music group, helping with children or joining various outreach activities.
Urban mission serving opportunities: We're currently encouraging church planting into the Sandwell and Black country area through our ActBC programme. This includes opportunities to get involved in our community cafe project, ESOL, door to door and street evangelism etc.
Church Rep(s):